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A Planner and Tracker for your trip's Camping Supplies List

Get your thru hiking adventure trip organized with the Routespunkt Hiking Grid Diary app.

Make a Camping Gear List for your upcoming trip. Track the status of each camping gear - to ensure its available to you on the expected date, at the expected place.

When adding a Camping Supply to your list, you get to put a budgeted amount against each gear. And when you rent or buy the supplies at your neighborhood gear store, put in the actual values against these supplies.

Plan and track your list of gear for:

a) Total budget vs. actual expenses

b) Status of gear availability

c) Returned status of gear rented

Chart: Budgeted vs. actual expenses on camping gear

Chart - Budgeted vs actual expenses on camping supplies

Chart: Status of camping gear Availability

Chart - Availability status of camping supplies

Chart: Returned status of camping gear rented

Chart - Rented vs returned camping supplies

Camping Supplies List Planner

Create a Camping Supplies List, to plan, pack and track the required gear for your upcoming adventure trip.

For a new trip, tap the Delete All Supplies button to clear off data from any previous trip. (Note: This app is designed to store camping supplies details for exactly 1 trip at a time.)

Keep adding each required Supply, to make your camping supplies list.

A Supply is to be associated with a Waypoint where it'd be required.

The expected date of availability of the Supply is required.
Based on this, the system would then send you a notification, a day prior to the expected date when you need the Supply.

Lifecycle states have been defined for a Supply to give you an idea of where its availability stands. (Note: This app is only a planner+tracker and you'd likely need to speak to the gear shop customer desk, or the rental store, to confirm and reserve for availability).

A simple total budget tracker is available, and it's based on the quantity and price of each Supply.

For example: supposing you buy mineral water bottles for a 2 day trip - say 4 for day 1, and 5 for day 2 - the total budgeted price would be 9 times the unit price of a bottle.

Once the Camping Supplies List is ready with all the supplies you require for your upcoming trip, you can start referring to the visual charts in the Summary of Supplies page.

When the supplies list for a trip grows big, you can use date-based filtering to show a smaller list.

1. Create List of Supplies

Make a list of the Camping Gear for your hike, in advance.

Choose from a list of gear categories. Make the list with enough gear, so you enjoy your trip.

Worried about too much stuff to carry? If you are a beginner, you might find the Hiking Inspo on Pinterest useful..

If you're venturing out for a strenuous one after a long gap, do start on relevant exercises 2 - 3 months in advance.

3. Track availability of Supply

Once your packing list is ready, start packing.

Update the supply status to Available, as you progress.

Based on your advanced-booking of camping gear from gear shop/s, decide which ones you want to get on the way to your trekking camp, and which ones you want to get before.

Decide which ones to rent and which ones to buy.

5. Track your Trip Budget

Keep updating the quantity and price of each supply, to build a budgeted vs actuals comparison.

This is shown visually in the Price Comparo Chart, in Supplies Status Page

2. Create a Camping Supply

1. Associate Camping Supply to Waypoint
2. Mention Date when Camping Supply is expected
3. Categorize Camping Supply
4. Mention Quantity of the Supply required
5. Mention Price of Supply, if any
6. Status of Availability - Defaults to Scheduled

4. Filter by Date

‍The Camping Supplies list can be filtered by Date - say, when you are on a multi-day trek, and have many items on the list, spanning across days.

Do remember to clean up supplies from your previous trip, so the new list is always applicable to the upcoming trip.

Keep updating these items for availability status, as your trip progresses.

Read on to know more about the illustration canvases in the app.

You can draw planning spreads (tables) with a ruler or in freehand.

Plan the adventure activities for your upcoming trip, before you start for the trip.

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