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Digital Maps FAQs

How to configure your App at first launch?

The app can be configured in the Settings pages.
1. Choose to change the app color theme,
2. Setup the borders of floating panels, and dots in the dot grid,
3. Setup up to 20 Contacts in each Contact Group, to have a ready chat-audience, when you chat in Messages (when launched from the Waypoints Page / Moments Canvas Page). ‍

Once the initial Settings are done, you can proceed to setup your trip's Start and End Points, along with Waypoints.

When planning a trip, plan the Camping Supplies required at each Waypoint, in advance

Which are the map styles available?

Choose between 2 Map styles:
a) Standard,
b) Hybrid Satellite

The chosen style is rendered in light or dark mode, based on your device's display setting.

How to refresh the route with a different color?

Tap on the Refresh Route button on the navigation bar in the Waypoints Page. This will refresh the displayed route with the next color.

If you're also changing the map style, its advisable to first change that and then do this, to see the best effect with contrast.

How to create a route, to go from Point A to B, via Waypoints?

On Waypoints Page, select your mode of travel.
Perform search for your POI.
Select and add the resultant place annotations as Start Point, End Point and Waypoint(s), in the sequence you wish to visit.

As you keep adding, you'd see the displayed route getting refreshed to cover the added place of visit. ‍

Note: a) Consider creating a different trip for visiting an island where road connectivity is not present,
b) Priorly confirm that cell data coverage exists on the route,
c) During your hike, you can see your current GPS location indicated on the map

How to Search and add a Waypoint to a displayed Route?

Perform Search for your POI.

When there are multiple place annotation results returned, you'd find that some of these are neatly grouped into numbered circles, the number indicating the number of places that are in the group.

Tapping on such a circle will lead to zooming in and you'd find that the tapped circle disappears and a new set of circles or place annotations are displayed from the original tapped-circle's group ‍ (Pinch gesture is available to zoom the map).

To start selecting a displayed place annotation as a Waypoint in your route, tap on it. This brings up an ancillary view with details about this place.

Tap on the Add button in the ancillary view. This will add this place as a Waypoint, and the displayed route refreshes accordingly.

Note: Panning or Zooming the map triggers a new search.
You can work with this new set of place annotations, and potentially add a new Waypoint

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