Illustration FAQs

Which are the tool boxes on the Moments Canvas?
The toolboxes present on the Moments Canvas are:
1. Core Drawing tool box
2. Auxiliary tool box
The tool boxes can be arranged, so you can max utilize the space on your Canvas:
a) Tap and drag the Core Drawing tool box to any edge or corner of your device screen
b) Toggle visibility of the Auxiliary tool box using the button on the top right of your app page
Can I select a different stroke-thickness on the canvas?
Tap the Core Drawing tool box to select the tool you wish to use - pen / monoline / highlighter / pencil / crayon / calligraphy pen / watercolor brush.
Tap the selected tool again to see the available stroke-thickness options.
Tap to choose one and start writing / sketching / shading!
Can I change the color of a stroke after it is drawn?
Use Lasso tool from Core Drawing tool box, to select the stroke/s.
Then from the Core Drawing tool box, set the new color.
Is there an alternate way to erase all 'drawn' elements?
Tap to select Lasso tool on Core Drawing tool box.
Tap on an empty space in the Canvas and select menu option [Select All].
Tap on the Cut tool on Auxiliary tool box - this will remove all the drawn shapes from the Canvas, leaving behind any floating panes you might have added.
Can I minimize, or move the Core Drawing tool box around?
On an iPad: Yes.
On an iPhone: No, its fixed to the bottom edge of the screen.
On iPad:
Press and drag the tool box to move it around. While dragging, if you release it at any corner of the device, then the tool box is minimized. If you release it at an edge of the device, then its docked to that edge.
How do I write or draw on a Photo or a Map Snap?
You can insert multiple photos and map snaps on the Moments Canvas.
Arrange them suitably - move them / make them overlap / rotate them. Add any colored, translucent floating text boxes - if you wish, arrange them to be funky.
Invoke the PDF Intelligent Shapes Canvas by tapping the related button at the top of the Moments Canvas page.
On the Intelligent Shapes Canvas you can write and draw on / across the photos and map snaps in the background.
a) You'd need to finalize the layout of the floating panes in the Moments Canvas, before you start writing or drawing on the PDF Canvas, since the communication from Moments Canvas to PDF Canvas is one way.
b) Writings and drawings done on the PDF Canvas do not get reflected back in the Moments Canvas.
Which are the Undo ops available?
Ops done with tools from the Core Drawing tool box are undo-able.
Can I draw strokes in Canvas with my finger or Apple Pencil?
On an iPad: draw with Apple Pencil / finger On an iPhone: draw with finger On iPad: Your device setting for - [Only Draw with Apple Pencil] - when set to OFF, lets you use your finger to draw.
How do I select a drawn element, and move it?
Tap to select the lasso tool on the Core Drawing tool box.
1. Select objects:
1a) Case of densely populated strokes in a region -
Move your finger (/ Apple Pencil) around the region you'd like to select objects from.
1b) Case of sparsely populated strokes in a region -
Move your finger (/ Apple Pencil) in a minimum path to touch each stroke you'd like to select.
2. Move objects:
2a) Press and Drag the selection - in any direction you'd prefer.
2b) In case you prefer moving strokes in the vertical direction - tap the selection to see menu. Tap the option [Insert Space Above]. Press and drag the space inserter bar to get the space you prefer
2c) Similar to 2b, but this option doesn't depend on initial stroke selection -
On any empty space in your canvas, tap once to see menu (if there was already a selection, first tap to deselect, tap again to see menu). Choose [Insert Space] option. Press and drag the space inserter bar to get the space you prefer
Note:In the Canvas, as a visual guide to moving the selection along a horizontal line, you can turn on the dotted grid
Which are the modes of the Eraser?
Eraser tool has two modes:
1. Erase Object - touch a drawn object (with the eraser tool selected) - the object gets erased
2. Erase Pixels - this behaves like a traditional eraser on paper - rub on a region and it gets cleaned
How to select the mode?:
Tap on the Core Drawing tool box to select the Eraser. Tap again to see the erasure modes. Tap the desired mode and proceed.
Can I erase all drawn elements and all floating panes from Canvas?
Yes. Tap the Delete button at the top right of your app page - this removes all drawn elements and floating panes from the Canvas. Drawn elements could be: illustration, doodle, line art, grey scale sketches, colored drawings, handwritten text
Can I draw multiple straight lines, at various angles on the canvas?
Yes. Tap the Ruler tool. Rotate it to the desired degree (it shows a degree reading while you rotate it with two fingers). Then draw along the Ruler with the inking tool of your choice. On the PDF Intelligent Shapes canvas, you can also draw a stroke in freehand, and pause, to get smooth-stroked auto-rendered shapes.
Can I type / scribble (freehand) / draw on floating text panes?
Floating text panes can be added in the Moments Canvas.
You can type in the floating text pane (say, memorable moments, or photo captions) using the keyboard.
When you scribble on the text pane using your Apple Pencil, the handwritten text will be automatically turned into typed text.
Note:Scribble is not available for finger-drawn-text.
Addition of multiple Floating Text Panes, and their arrangement, needs to be done in the Moments Canvas. These go to the background, when sent to the PDF Canvas.
In the PDF Canvas, you can write in freehand - inside / across / outside the (empty) text-pane-occupied areas in the canvas background.
You can write in same way on photos or map snaps in the background.
The Core Drawing tool box in PDF canvas provides an option to add a typed text box (and a few more basic shapes).